4.TED Talk

4:TED Talk

Video: Photos from a storm chaser (4 minutes)
3 words/phrases I learn
  • situated (adj.)  0:21
    1. be situated to be in a particular place or position
    be well/badly situated to be in a good or bad situation
    We stayed in a small town situated just south of Cleveland.
           All the apartments are beautifully situated overlooking the beach.
  • perspire (V.)  0:41
    if you perspire, parts of your body become wet, especially because you are hot or have been doing hard work
    She felt hot and awkward and started to perspire.
  • illustrate (V.)  1:07
    1. to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples
    2. to be an example which shows that something is true or that a fact exists
    • illustrate that
    • illustrate how
    Let me give an example to illustrate the point.
My thoughts on the talk

  I think TED talk is a convenient web ,because you can switch multiple language subtitles.At the beginning,I don't know what the speaker expression,So I switch Chinese subtitle to understand what the speaker is saying.After that I switch English subtitle see it again and record I words I don't know.

「Photos from a storm chaser」的圖片搜尋結果


  1. Watch the video with the Chinese subtitles first and then watch it again with English. This is a good strategy, Wendy.


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